venerdì 11 luglio 2014

Eve Online Semiletiya Feast

At the last GDC 2010 guys from CCP shared some details about the future of EvE Online, so for example one not so good news is that with the release of AddOn Incarna game will be more demanding of hardware resources, as well as completely end support for video cards with shaders below 2.0

In addition:

* Dust 514 – there is little likelihood that will be ported to the PC!

* EvE Gate – will get functionality for corporations and alliances

* Most of the team is now working on “Project X” – which is probably the MMO World of Darkness

* Between Tyrannis and Incarna likely to interpose another addon …

* All 65.000 planets in Eve Online can be used for the extraction of resources, including members of the Imperial planet of the cosmos and wormhole systems

News from the battlefields of EVE Online continues to shock the gaming community, because it is one of the few games that have more or less rigid adherence to a virtual currency relnym money, even though their means PLEX’ov (maps extension of playing time). So, as we have mentioned before, now in EVE online can be transported by these same PLEX’y, and as there were restrictions on their remote use, so now players have to be transported between stations for conducting trade.

Vobschem first case of large losses during transportation PLEX’ov not take long, the other day from a Aystra BOAE INC Corporation decided to move 74 PLEX’a on his Frigate, and probably out of stupidity or failure to transport them, he decided in an ordinary container, which can be easily scanned. What, exactly, did two comrades from the Corporation Method of Destruction, and seeing inside Frigata a treasure they are not losing a second attack him. Indeed, at current rates 74 PLEX’a can sell for 22 billion ISK or translated into real money ~ $ 1300. Unfortunately at the time of the explosion Frigata entire load was also unitozhen (perebarschili attack).

Back in 2003 it was already May 6, then anyone yet unknown Icelandic company CCP supported by the IBM-released futuristic MMO EvE Online. Have passed since 7 years, the company has evolved it became one of the leaders of the online gaming industry, has opened nesklko offices worldwide, has released a whole bunch of content additions for Eve online, as well as the same has announced the development of a console MMOFPS Dust 514, which will be directly integrated with EvE. Well, up to heap announced a new MMO World of Darkness!

At present, the player base EvE Online has over 300,000 regular subscribers and more than 55,000 online players at peak hours (all in one world).

In general, after seven years of EvE developers celebrated with a big Lotteries! In which compete for prizes totaling tens of billions of ISK! Buy tickets to attend can be in the game, the maximum number of tickets you can buy 50,000 (which corresponds to 50 million ISK). Himself a raffle will be held May 17 and will be among the prizes:

* 1st: 25 billion ISK

* 2nd: 10 billion ISK

* 3rd: one year of free play EvE Online)

* 4th: Battleship of Eve Store on the choice of winner

* 5th: Four faction cruiser Ashimmu, Phantasm, Vigilant and Cynabal

* 6th: Zhernal EON (issue # 19, # 18, # 17, # 16) ESM (Strategy Map EvE)

* 7th: Uniga “EVE: The burning life” T-shirt with the logo (what exactly will be shown chooses the winner)

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Eve Online Semiletiya Feast

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