We’re all looking for scam free money online. Sad to say that when certain marketers find it difficult to make the money they want legally, they sometimes resort to immoral trickery to boost their income.
These kinds of scams can be very wide ranging and cover such things as article theft to boost their own ratings, all the way down to systems that are pure rubbish, enhanced by a very professional sales page. Either way, these scammers are after one thing only, your hard earned cash.
By way of a disclaimer I must say that there are many marketers online that I actually admire. These are people offering decent products. They are not scammers. However, it can be tricky to know who the good guys are. Let’s see if we can avoid the bad boys.
Do you really want to know how to get scam free money online? I can offer you a foolproof way of avoiding a scam. The answer? Set yourself up by learning the basics, which are free, and then move up the ladder under your own steam. This way costs you nothing, but what you learn on the way will help you recognise what is good and what is not.
I have two main recommendations to offer as main starting points:
Squidoo.com. This site will give you everything you need, including help and advice, to build your own web page. Not only will they help you to build your page, they will publish it for you and host it too. All at no cost. I use Squidoo a lot and I can personally guarantee you that there isn’t even the sniff of scandal. A truly legitimate site.
Article marketing. Don’t be afraid of this. If you have reasonable command of the English language you can write a short article like this one. Article marketing is probably the oldest but most powerful weapon at your disposal. If you are serious about making good money online you absolutely must look at this very seriously indeed. It is priceless.
I told you how powerful article marketing is and I’m going to give you an instance by way of demonstration. As I write this, it is now almost 24 hours since I published an article on this very site. The article is in a very competitive niche. On checking earlier today I found that the article has been taken up by another publisher and appears twicein Google’s free results at numbers eight and ten. What makes this so remarkable is that it appears at positions eight and ten out of more than 22,000,000 results! Am I worried about a third party publishing my article? Absolutely not! The other publisher is playing by the rules and has left my links in the articles where I left them. It means that when his readers read my article they will see my links. You can see just how massive this can be.
Conclusion. You do not need to be taken in by the scammers because you really can do this yourself. Don’t fall for the old patter where you’re told that you can make ten grand a week with no work. Nothing could be further from the truth…
At this stage you’re probably thinking that what I’ve described seems like a lot of work. This is only because you probably don’t know how to do the above effectively yourself. I fully realise this. That is why I’ve provided two more free resources below. The first is to my blog where you will learn the basics of ‘how to’. The second is to one of my Squidoo pages that you haven’t seen yet. This will demonstrate how to monetize your site. On both you will find scam free ways make money online. Oh, and by the way. If you contact me via the blog I will give you the actual article title I refer to above so that you can check the truth of what I said earlier.
Simple Money Online blog.
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