Online Marketing Mail
Online marketing mail involves the use of email to do your promotion. I have seen that very many businesses still do not know the importance of list building and how you can massively increase your profits by using an email list to perform youronline marketing.
In order to achieve this there are several things you require. The main two things you need are a squeeze page ( I will talk more about this in a second) and traffic. Not just any traffic but highly targeted traffic for that matter.
Okay so let’s talk about a squeeze page.
You might be asking what is a squeeze page? Well this is a page that has a very strong headline. A very catchy headline that makes visitors to your website want to stay and listen to what you have to say. On this page, you’ll have what is known as an autoresponder. This is a script which you place on your website that helps you collect the names and email addresses of your website visitors. In exchange for their name and email, you will offer them a free gift in the form of a report or a newsletter. Once they sign up to your newsletter or for your report, your autoresponder automatically starts to send out rescheduled email messages that you would have prior to this time, configured to go out to them as specific dates and times. A very good autoresponder which I personally use is aweber.
Okay so now you have your squeeze page and your autoresponder, what you need now is quality targeted traffic. You can get this by using PPC or PPV. PPV networks such as DirectPPV and Lead Impact are both networks you can use to drive targeted traffic. I won’t go into detail about these networks here, but you can get free tips from my website at
Feel free to email me if you would like more free tips on how to use these networks or how to start your own online business.
To Your Success,
Mark Imris
Imris Mark is an Internet Preneurer. With vast experience in Internet Marketing and Business Start-Ups working from Home
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