martedì 15 luglio 2014

Common Mistake of Texas Holdem Players

When you are just learning how to play Texas Holdem, you are going to make some mistakes that are common amongst new players. The difference between the good players and the bad players is that the good players will learn from their mistakes and figure out how to improve where the bad player will continue to make the same mistakes over and over, thus making you money.

Some common mistakes in Texas Holdem to be aware of:

1) Playing too many hands.

This is the most common mistake of new players in online and live games. Some people overvalue certain hands or maybe due to boredom, they will get into pots they have no business being in. People will play good starting hands, but out of position, and this in turn is a negative EV proposition. Being very attentive to what and when you are playing is key. If you are playing between 12-18% of all your hand, and folding the rest, you are probably doing the right thing.

2) Chasing cards after the flop.

Using the same mistake as above, a player may start with a great hand like AKs but miss the flop yet they will stay in all the way to the river because they do not realize their hand loses value with each card they miss and as a result they pay out an extra bet, two, or three before they get out.

3) Letting emotion take over.

If you are solid and are playing tight with the right calculations, in the long run you will make

money. If you allow yourself to get “tilted” by someone catching a lucky card, or you lose a 2% on the river, and start playing with reckless emotion, you are sure to lose money. You must essentially play like a robot, the cards do not care about you and you should not care about them.

4) Session management.

New players will look at their most recent session and measure their success or failure based off that. Most pros will advocate that you look at all your sessions combined as one giant session. This lets you measure your hourly rate better, and also show the adjustments needed to be made for variance.

Overall, if you follow these rules, you will be setting up a strong foundation that will help carry you onto the next level of poker playing. While it is common for most people to fall into one of these traps on occasion, it is the stronger players that will be able to snap out of it quicker and get back on track to making money.

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Common Mistake of Texas Holdem Players

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